D&A’s Top 10 Video Game Trailers/Commercials of the 90’s!

Since Pong, video games have been a part of our lives for decades, and any adult in America will tell you that they have visited an arcade at least once during their childhood. For generations video games have not only been a form of entertainment, but they’ve also brought many of us together – and those same individuals have now become the gamers (and are a part of the video game community) that you’ve come to know and love. Gamers and video game enthusiasts all have their favorite titles from their favorite consoles; from their favorite decades. For us in particular; it was the 90’s! Every 30-something in America today has fond memories playing their favorite game of that decade, so to commemorate the awesome decade that was our childhood (being 90’s kids ourselves), we’re counting down our Top 10 video game trailers/commercials of the 90’s! Get ready for a trip down memory lane! 😉 

Remember this one?

10. Kirby’s Dreamland

The pink vacuum that we all know and love has been around since the 90’s (well 1992 actually), so who doesn’t remember seeing this trailer growing up and asking their parents to get them a Game Boy so they can play it? The pink marshmallow’s rise to fame started here, and now the Super Smash Bros. Alumni is one his way to the Nintendo Hall of Fame!

Had fun playing this one!

9. Wario’s Woods

Tetris was awesome, but many 90’s kids might remember the yellow-capped terribly-cloned “Mario” that we know today as Wario; who happened to have his own puzzle game. Both versions were super fun to play as a kid, and we’re pretty sure that a handful of those same kids (now adults) might have had the opportunity to destroy Wario’s Castle and see the ending of the game.

Haven’t seen this one in a long time…

8. Tetris

I’m not sure if I remember the Russian bears but hey, back then we got Tetris in North America thanks to them! Who would’ve thought that this puzzle game would become the worldwide sensation that it is today! Welp, we got our answer!

Ok, this one freaked me out – but still bought the game!

7. Super Mario All-Stars

Any Mario fan out there has played this one at some point in their childhood! This was the game that had all of the original Super Mario Bros. games, as well as the Japanese version of SMB2 called Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels! When Super Mario World came out they did an updated version of this game with that game in it as well!

For every Mega Man fan out there!

6. Mega Man

Formally known as Rockman, Mega Man has become the mega hit that we all know him as today! From numerous video games to anime TV titles (and even a crossover series with Sonic – the Archie Comics version), Mega Man’s legacy will be a part of the lives of 90’s kids everywhere (and some 2000’s too).


5. Mortal Kombat

One of the bloodiest fighting game franchises on the planet made it’s presence known in the 90’s! We all have entered the kombat at some point, as kids of this decade wanted to get their hands on this game! Fast-forward to today; where we now have multiple installments, a couple spinoffs, a live-action movie, and now a live-action remake of said movie. After all these years we still find it satisfying to hear the words “FINISH HIM/HER!” followed by “FATALITY!” after mutilating our opponent. Yeah, parents had their hands full…

Still a favorite among 90’s kids!

4. Street Fighter 2

Much like its bloody counterpart, Street Fighter now has a cult following that has grown since its debut back in 1992! If you have gone to any anime or gaming convention anywhere in the U.S. or overseas, then we’re pretty sure you’ve seen cosplays of Ryu, Chung Li, and all of favorite fighters! Wait, didn’t this title have an anime adaption once?

Ah, yes we remember this one!

3. F-Zero

Anybody that has played Super Smash Bros. has played as the captain of the Blue Falcon; Captain Falcon! From the familiar tune of Mute City, to the updated graphics of F-Zero GX (and even an anime series), this game put 90’s kids on the need for speed! Speaking of speed…

This is where the Nintendo-SEGA war began!

2. Sonic The Hedgehog*

Move over Road Runner and Flash, there’s a new 90’s kid in town! Remember back when Nintendo had the video game industry on lock? Well, SEGA had somethin’ to say about that, and they did it with the debut of the Blue Blur; the World’s Fastest Hedgehog, Sonic! This legendary icon has clashed with Mario in terms of popularity, gaming sales, and overall video game supremacy. Even though he’s hit a rough patch in the past few years, he’s coming back strong with a live-action movie (that’s already out with a sequel on the way), a couple games (some of which are already out), and a new animated series stated for next year.

When Mario went 3D, everything changed!

1. Super Mario 64*

For 35 years Nintendo has given us everything we would want out of a video gamer’s childhood, and the best gift that they’ve given us, was Mario (a.k.a Jumpman)! During the later years of the 90’s we were introduced to the 3D era of the gaming world, and Nintendo gave us Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64! From there the red-capped plumber continued to give us hit after hit like Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Super Mario 3D Land & World, and even Super Mario Odyssey! We never would’ve gotten those titles had it not been for the original 64 title!

*In our defense both Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario 64 are tied for the #1 spot due to their iconic nature and popularity. Although Mario has more games, Sonic’s got two live action movies with one of them being a box office hit (which is why it got a sequel for next April 2022).

Honorable Mention: Pokemon Red & Blue

Yes, we know we didn’t put this one in our Top 10 (shame on us T.T), but we remember playing Pokemon Red & Blue back in the day! (And we’re pretty sure you do too if you were a 90’s/2000’s kid!) We don’t even have to tell you how large this franchise has gotten since Red & Blue came out; you’ve got the internet for that! XP

Being a kid in the 90’s was awesome! Fun cartoons, great video games, the 90’s was a pretty fun and interesting time to be a kid. Sure there were some less-than-perfect moments and some of which we’d like to forget, but overall, we knew what gaming consoles were our favorites to play, as well as what video game titles he hold near and dear to our hearts from this day forward. Now we’ve got a new generation of young gamers who are (hopefully) having the same experiences that we had when we were growing up. Even though the 90’s gave us many of the heavy hitters of the gaming industry that we know today, a lot of them have stood the test of time; and are continuing to dominate the gaming world even today! Just ask Mario and Sonic!

That will do it for our Top 10 countdown as well as a trap down memory lane! If you have a Top 10 selection of your favorite video games from the 90’s or even the early 2000’s, drop your list in the comments below! Until next post guys n’ gals, stay nerdy! 😉

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