Northeast Bound Anime Cons

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Looking for some anime conventions in the Northeastern region of the U.S.? Then check out this awesome page of cons that we have for you! 🙂


Another Anime Convention 2018: November 16-18, 2018

Do you live in the northeastern area of the U.S. and are on the hunt for an anime con to go to? If so, then we just might have the answer to your prayers! Another Anime Con at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua, New Hampshire has everything you need to geek out with your friends; such as cosplay, anime, manga, voice actors, panels and so much more! So if you’re heading northeast a week before Thanksgiving, and want to get your geek on before the turkey is carved, then make your way to this anime convention!


Bakuretsu Con 2018: October 19-21, 2018

Looking for a small con to go to before Halloween weekend? Then the answer lies in this convention known as Bakuretsu Con! Even though it has an attendance cap of around 600 or so, there’s a lot to do in such a little con! There are gaming rooms, cosplay, anime, manga, Q&A panels from voice actors, and more! If you live in Vermont or near the Colchester area, head to the Hampton Inn & Conference Center for three days of otaku awesomeness! 🙂


New Paltz Convention 2018: April 14-15, 2018

Do you wanna go to a convention in New York that’s free? FREE?! Well the New Paltz Convention may just be the answer to your prayers! From video games to cosplay this con will have everything your nerdy heart desires. Plus did we mention that it’s free! FREE?! Go! Have fun! (Link: New Paltz Convention)


Universal FanCon 2018: April 27-29, 2018

In 2017 the largest anime convention on the East Coast, Otakon, would be making its move from the Baltimore Convention Center, to Washington D.C. after its final year in 2016. Since then it has left a hole in the Baltimore anime convention scene, until now! Universal FanCon, one of the most diverse fandom conventions in the USA, is now coming to the Baltimore Convention Center this year! From Marvel to FUNimation this convention has every fandom you could ever dream of, as well as a diverse list on celebrities; such as Billy Dee Williams. We of course will be making our first ever appearance at this convention, so if you’d like to see us in person, then check out the first ever Universal FanCon in Baltimore! (Link: Universal FanCon)


Thy Geekdom Con 2017: November 4-5, 2017

Are you on the lookout for a convention that can be called a sanctuary among geeks, nerds, and otaku? Then look no further than Claymont, DE for Thy Geekdom Con! There will be all sorts of excitement from Q&A’s with voice actors, cosplay, video games, and everything else in between! We’ll be live at the con ourselves as we celebrate the 28th birthday of one of the founding members of D&A, Donte’ J. Lewis!

(Link: Thy Geekdom Con 2017)


Bakuretsu Con 2017: October 27-29, 2017

Do you live in the Northeast? Are you on the lookout for an anime convention to party at for the Pre-Halloween weekend? Then check out Colchester, Vermont’s Bakuretsu Con held at the Hampton Inn and Conference Center. What’s there to see you ask? Just the usual; cosplay, video games, panels, voice actors, and perhaps a little bit more. What better way to bring in the Pre-Halloween celebration, than to go out with your anime-lovin’ friends and woop it up at Bakuretsu Con! Go for it! 🙂

(Link: Bakuretsu Con 2017)


Colossalcon East 2017: September 8-10, 2017

Are you looking for a special way to end your Summer off with a bang? Then look no further than Colossalcon East! At this awesome three day anime convention, you’ll be treated to some awesome cosplay, gaming sessions, Q&A from your favorite voice actors, and hopefully an after party with the Senpai Project! Even though Back-to-School is in full swing, it doesn’t hurt to get at least one last ‘Hoorah!’ before Old-Man Winter shows his cold side, right? Check it out! 😉

(Link: Colossalcon East Anime Convention)


PopCult Anime Con 2017: August 19-20, 2017

If you live in the northeast, then you’re gonna wanna check out this awesome two-day anime convention held inside the Sheraton in Farmingham, MA! Cosplay, Q&A, and much more await you as you chill and relax with other fans of anime who love it as much as you do.

(Link: PopCult Anime Con)


SaikouCon 2017: August 18-20, 2017

We will be making our way to Allentown, PA for an awesome three-day anime convention known as SaikouCon! If you happen to find yourself there along with your fellow anime fans, then you’ll be in for some awesome workshops, Q&A voice acting panels, late night dances with DJ’s on the wheels, and much more! If you happen to see A. Goldman or myself (D.J. Lewis) walking around the convention, don’t be afraid to say “hi” and even take a picture with us! 🙂

(Link: SaikouCon 2017)


Anime Boston 2017: March 31-April 2, 2017

This is one of the largest anime cons in the northeastern anime convention circuit, so if you don’t believe us you’ll have to head there to see what we mean. You’ll be in for an awesome three day treat with many of your favorite anime voice actors and J-Pop artists; such as Greg Ayres, Sandy Fox, Okamoto’s, and so much more! Boston’s known for a lot of things, but one thing’s for sure, Anime Boston is the otaku mecca for Boston anime fans! (As well as out-of-town fans!) (Link: Anime Boston 2017)


J1-Con 2016: September 17-18, 2016

This is Phily’s number one anime convention, and if you’re heading there then you’re about to see why! Though it’s only two days there’s a lot for fans and otaku alike to do; such as Q&A panels, hunting for cosplay pics, workshops, anime and anime movie screenings, video game battles and a whole lot more!


Otakon 2016: August 12-14, 2016

This is the “Home Base” anime convention of D&A Anime Blog! (With the exception of Animore being our new home base anime convention.) Out of all the anime cons to go to, THIS one is the one to be at! Seriously! Two of the main characters from FMA will be there; as will the cast of One Punch Man and many more voice actors. We’ll be shooting a cosplay music video here as well, so if you want to be a part of this amazing video contact us through the blog or tweet us! A. Goldman and Yours Truly will be there in full force while debuting our official D&A Anime Blog T-Shirts, so if you see us walking around the convention, say “hi” and take a picture with us. If you’re in the Baltimore area or the next county over, come down to Otakon for the biggest going away anime party in the world!! (Don’t forget Otakon Vagas too!) Link: Otakon 2016


PortCon Maine 2016: June 23-26, 2016

Northeast away, to PortCon Maine for a three day event filled with anime and gaming! You’ll be sure to find everything from cosplay, to video games, and of course, anime! Some special guest panels with your favorite Voice Actors might be there, but you’ll have to go there to find out for yourself. Love anime and video games? Head on over to PortCon Maine! Or as they call it; PCM. 🙂 PortCon Maine 2016


Reiyacon 2016: June 11, 2016

A new New York anime convention that we just happened to stumble into! Although it’s only one day this convention plans to bring everything to the table, to make it one of the best cons that anime lovers like us will be talking about! Games, music, and panels will be all the rage at this con, so if you live in Rochester, NY or anywhere within, be sure to check out this awesome convention! Link:


Anime Fan Fest 2016: May 6-8, 2016

Time to head on back to New Jersey over towards Somerset for a dose of anime fan awesome-ness! This three day con is filled with Q&A panels, voice actors, cosplayers, and musicians who all happen to be crazy anime fans just like you and me. Voice Actors like Vic Mignogna, Aaron Dismuke, and Mike McFarland will grace this con with their presence so check them out ASAP when they arrive! So, if you’re heading back to New Jersey in the direction of Somerset, Anime Fan Fest is right up your alley…er, street. Link:

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