100 Twitter followers?

This can be a major accomplishment that can come to past, but we need your help to do it. We’ve already posted our #100thTweet and now we’re trying to reach #100Followers. Spread the world of D&A to your friends, neighbors, and anyone that loves anime and manga as much as you (we) do, and we’re confident if you do that, we’ll reach #100Followers! 🙂

Anime of the Month Returns Tomorrow!

Anime of the Month is coming back full force with our brand new pick! Just like with our last pick, we’ll break down our anime title episode-by-episode in order to give you the full scoop. D&A Fridays is going to be a lot more active so be sure to check in with us every now and then to see all the sweet stuff we’ve got goin’ on! 🙂

Following us just got a whole lot easier…

We’ve just installed out Twitter plugin on the blog/site’s sidebar, so now it’ll make things way more easier to “Follow” us! Now with both our Facebook and Twitter timelines, posts, and tweets all on the same site, you’ll never have to worry about clicking off D&A just to see what’s goin’ on in our feeds! Everything you need is all right here! 🙂

We thank you again for the support and love we’re getting for the blog, and we’re just gonna get better from this point on…

Five NEW Cons have been added!!

We’ve just posted five new anime conventions for you to check out on the Cons Near U drop down page! We covered regional areas such as Southwest Bound, Northwest Bound, and Southbound. We’re having a little trouble with the page links for them but we’ll update you when we have them all fixed up n’ ready to roll! 🙂

A Little Push…

We’re less than 190 views away from 2,000 total, so all we need is a little push! Also, our Six Month Anniversary is in two weeks, so we’ve got awesome things planned for D&A; who’s turning six months old. (Yep, we’re still an infant, but we’ve grown up so fast!)

Keep the views coming as well as “Like” us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to us on Youtube. Thanks 4 the love!! 🙂

Cancellation of Samurai Rock…

It brings us great displeasure to announce that we’ll be cancelling our fanfiction Samurai Rock: The Mercenary of Oten City. However we’ll have a brand new Dragon Ball Z and Panty & Stocking crossover fanfic coming in the Fall, known as Dragon Ball Tenshi: Path of the Half-Blooded Saiyan! For more information head to my DJ Returns page on fanfiction.net to get the whole story.

D&A Founders are also DJ/Producers?

Aspiring, yes! The founders of D&A Anime Blog (D.J. Lewis and A. Goldman) are now taking over the soundtrack side of this amazing blog/site as their DJ/producer aliases; Bassmixxerr and Arrotronixx! There will also be a name/song change(s) for our EP title, as we’ll continue to keep you updated on this new and exciting development!