Rudy & Sylphie Need to Date Already

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Ep 10 Review

When the year comes to an end and the time comes for anime fans to list their top waifu’s, Sylphiette stands a good chance of being one of them. Not only is she mighty, but she is beautiful and kind, but rivals Rudeus in magical power. However, therein lies her biggest hang-up: she’s hopelessly in love with Rudeus, but too scared to reveal her secret identity as “Silent Fitz.” In contrast, Rudeus is starting to realize that he’s falling for “Fitz”, but that only confuses him about his sexuality. These long-lost best friends need to wise up and take the chance soon, though, or they may never get another chance.

Rudy is Living the High School Life he Never Had…With One Exception

Rudeus has been attending Ranoa University close to a year now, and his life couldn’t be better. While some consider this part of the story slow and uninteresting, fans should remember this is something Rudy never got in his first life. The traumatic bullying her endured led him to drop out of high school and become a shut-in until his death. In his new life, though, he’s getting to experience everything he never could. He’s got friends, he’s respected (and feared), and doing well in school. In other words, he’s got almost everything denied to him in his first life. 

The one thing holding him back, though, is his impotency. He’s researched it as much as possible, but he can’t find a cure for it. He mentions he can’t even pleasure himself at this point. However, the anime doesn’t do as good a job conveying how serious this is as it could have. In the light novels and manga, there’s a scene at this time where Rudeus accidently tells his classmates about his ED. The sympathetic looks they give him hammer home how painful this is for him. What the episode does do right, though, is show how distant he’s growing from “Fitz” lately.

And neither teenager likes this.

Sylphie Cannot Spit it Out

Mushoku Tensei makes it no secret that Sylphiette’s been in love with Rudeus for a long time now. The light novels take it a step further by showing how she’s loved him practically since the day they met. However, despite her joy at reuniting with him after so long, her own insecurities prevent her from telling him who she is, despite getting Ariel’s blessing. Now, that’s causing much internal grief.

Whereas the anime stumbles a little with Rudy’s ED, it does a good job of subtly showing Sylphie’s growing jealousy of the people Rudeus spends time with. She could handle the conventionally attractive Lilna and Pursena calling him boss since she understood the context. However, it’s seeing him spend time with Nanahoshi for reasons she can’t understand (and Rudeus will likely never explain) that sets her off. 

Again, the light novels go into more detail about Sylphie’s thoughts, showing her imagining Rudeus marrying and starting a family with Nanahoshi. To her, this is her greatest fear. Yet she’s doing a Hinata and refusing to take that next step. 

The worst part of it is that Rudeus is starting to figure out “Fitz’s” true identity.

Just Make Out Already, You Two!

Despite its shortcomings, the episode makes it clear that Rudeus has fallen for “Fitz.” He initially struggles with this due to the implications regarding his sexuality (not that there’s anything wrong with that,) but a cliche “love interest falls on top of you” scenario makes him finally realize that “Fitz” is a girl.

More importantly, though, is how his body reacts: for a brief moment, his impotency’s gone. 

At this point, anime-only shippers must feel frustrated over the lack of progress. However, like with many things in Mushoku Tensei, this romance works best as a slow burn. Rest assured, the day of reckoning is coming, and it’s coming soon. Like, maybe even next week. The payoff, though, will be more than worth the wait.

Trust me, guys. I’ve read the light novels. It will be worth it.

I Give “These Feelings” a 4.5/5

Operation: Doll Maker is a Go, Rudeus

Mushoku Tensei S2, Ep 6 Review

It’s been a while now, and Rudeus has adjusted to life at school. Every morning he wakes up, does his exercises, spends time with Zanoba, takes classes, and then does reserach on teleportation while spending time with Sylphie in her alter ego. It’s not the most exciting life, but given what’s happened in both his lives, he’s earned it. However, there’s one problem: Zanoba won’t stop asking him how to make figurines and dolls. And when his normal methods won’t work, Rudy has to resort to means that would be frowned upon in modern life: slavery.

The Sylphie-Rudy Relationship Grows Cuter With each Moment

Last week, we saw how Rudy reunited with his childhood friend, Sylphie, but was completely oblivious over her true identity. Out of shyness, and a bit of a desire to tease him, Sylphie’s keeping him in the dark for now, but he’s slowly starting to catch on. Everytime he’s in her presence, his heart starts beating faster and he blushes a lot. Since he doesn’t know she’s a girl, though, that just leaves him confused about his preferences in romance.

Sexuality aside, seeing Rudeus and Sylphie have the chance to enjoy the school life they always wanted is genuinely endearing. After all the hell they went through, they’re able to live a semi-normal life, even if only for a short while. At this rate, Sylphie will be in the running for 2023 waifu of the year.

Zanoba Really, Really Likes Dolls

Zanoba is like the Mushoku Tensei equivalent of Pygmalion. In Greek mythology, he was a sculptor who shunned the company of women in favor of his craft, until he fell in love with his masterpiece and she was brought to life by the gods. Given how his superhuman strength prevents him from making meaningful connections with others, it’s understandable why Zanoba would be in a similar boat. 

At any rate, despite his desire to create dols and figurines, Zanoba’s strength makes it impossible for him to with his own two hands. Feeling bad for his student, and at the advice of Sylphie, they decide to go recruit some outside help to teach magic and aid Zanoba in his work. As an aside, the way Sylphie asks to come along makes the entire thing sound akin to a date, something that Rudy remains ignorant to. 

Here’s the catch: they don’t go to hire someone. They go to buy a slave.

Don’t be so Judgy

No one needs to be told in the modern day that slavery is bad; it’s a moral drummed into our heads since childhood. However, before we judge Rudeus and Zanoba for buying a slave, it’s important to remember the context:

  1. This is in a world where slavery continues to exist. Rudeus may not like it, but he knows it’s impossible for him to get rid of it, even if he had an army.
  2. Given who Rudeus and Zanoba are, whoever they get would be a slave in name only. In truth, they’d be an assistant, or partner and treated as such.
  3. Given how they’re looking for a young child to teach skills such as reading, writing, and magic, as well as providing with everything a child would need, they’d be better off with them than they would otherwise.

In the end, the trio ends up purchasing a little dwarf girl. Since she doesn’t have a name, they choose to name her Juliette, or Julie, after Zanoba’s late baby brother. However, here’s where Rudeus’ empathy comes into play again. When they first meet Julie, Rudy sees right away that she’s given up on life. That was the mindset he had in his first life, and the one he’s trying to overcome since Eris left him. So he helps her in the best way possible, by making her say she wants to live. 

This is what makes Rudeus a good protagonist. He knows what it’s like to feel like everything’s hopeless. Thus, he knows the best ways to give people the will to live again. This time, it ends up gaining him and Zanoba what amounts to a little sister. She’ll be good for Zanoba, in particular. 

Yet another good episode, even if it was a bit slow. Then again, much like in real life, it’s the slower moments people may remember the best. 

I Give “I Don’t Want to Die” a 3.5/5

Dang, Rudy is Swole as Heck!!!

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Ep 4 Review

It’s been two years since Rudeus returned to his former home, only to set out to find his Mom. More importantly, it’s been two years since Eris slept with him and left without properly explaining things. Now, he’s trying to move on with his life regardless, but…being unable to form romantic relationships due to trauma is hard. Then, a path forward opens as if by date or divine intervention. One that could end up fixing the damage Eris’ foolishness wrought.

Also, Rudeus is swole as heck.

Rudeus isn’t a Cute Boy Anymore. He’s a Man!

The first thing the episode makes apparent is what this time skip has done for Rudeus: he’s gotten stronger. Thanks to his magic, he can now take on a red dragon and kill it on his own. That’s a feat that would require several parties to pull off. In other words, he’s gotten stronger than he was as a kid.

Secondly, at this point, Rudeus is now fifteen. In his new world, fifteen is the legal age of adulthood, and it shows. He’s gotten taller, his constant exercising has given him a body most guys would kill for, and his cute boyish looks are now handsome. To top it off, he’s becoming renowned throughout the land as Quagmire Rudeus. Life’s going well for him.

Except…deep down, he’s still miserable. As I said last week, what Rudeus has is ED; impotence brought on the trauma he went through. Which stinks! He can’t get close to anyone in the romantic sense, so he’s essentially given up finding love. He’s channeled all that extra energy into bettering himself, but you can tell he’s not happy. He wants to regain what Eris took from him!

And that’s when two important things happen.

A Fateful Friend and a Fateful Letter

After returning from destroying the red dragon, who strolls into the bar Rudeus is at, but Elinalise Dragonroad. If you’ve read my recap on what Roxy was up to, then you’ll know three things about her:

  1. She was in a party with Paul and Zenith.
  2. She’s probably Roxy’s best friend.
  3. She’s got a sex drive that puts Rudeus’ to shame.

She needs to have sex regularly because of her curse, but she also likes it, so she’s not too concerned. 

Also, even if Rudeus could do it, Elinalise wouldn’t. She can’t stand the idea of being Paul’s daughter-in-law because something between them made her hate his guts. However, that doesn’t stop her from going after everyone in Soldat’s party. 

The other, more important thing is that Rudeus gets a letter from the Vice Principal of the Ranoa Academy of Magic. AKA the school that Roxy went to, AKA the school that Rudy wanted to attend with Sylphie. The whole reason he went to tutor Eris was so they go together, so everything’s coming back full circle. Word of Rudeus’ skills has reached even their ears, and they want him to enroll as a special student. That means he doesn’t have to pay for tuition or attend any classes he doesn’t want to. In other words, he just got a full scholarship to the best magic school in the world. 

While that offer’s enticing, Rudeus wants to join his father and Roxy and find his Mom first. That’s when the Man-God appears to him for the first time in years and gives some advice. If he wants to cure his impotency, he’ll find it at Ranoa University. He doesn’t say how, but he says that it will happen. 

So, bet. Rudeus is going to school.

It’s Time for School!

Again, Mushoku Tensei is one of those series that is a slow burn, but when it gets going with the action or drama, it does a great job at showing it. And unlike many isekai that focus on the action side of things, Mushoku Tensei treats the slower moments with the same respect and gravitas that they’re entitled to. And that includes the Ranoa University arc.

Some people might see what’s about to happen as a boring slice of life and just want the action, but Mushoku Tensei isn’t a pure action isekai. At its core, it’s about a guy trying to live his second chance at life to the fullest, which includes the slower moments. In addition, to hammer home the importance of what’s to come, the final minutes of the episode depicts numerous people at Ranoa University that will come to play a role in Rudeus’ life. He might not have met all of them yet, but he’s connected to them in some form.

So, yeah. I’m looking forward to the next few episodes and seeing how they adapt what’s to come. This was a good start to this new arc.

By the way, the dub for the second season has started. 

I Give “Letter of Invitation” a 4/5

You Thought Rudeus Was Getting Better? Think Again!

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Ep 3 Review

Let it go on record that I read ahead about what happens next in Mushoku Tensei. As such, I knew that this moment would happen, but I didn’t make things any easier. If anything, knowing what would happen in advance makes it more painful. Everyone who thought Rudeus was moving on from Eris, prepare for a bitter truth. 

Darn You, Eris!!!

So, on the surface, it looks like Rudeus got his act together. He’s building his rep as “Quagmire Rudeus,” he’s been working a lot with Counter Arrow. As for Sara, it becomes obvious that she’s falling for him. So when she asks him out, he agrees. It could be fun. And she does start sending out all the signs that she’s into him like that. So, Rudeus decides to move on from Eris altogether and takes that leap.

It was at this moment, though, that his despair reached new heights. In that crucial moment, Rudeus realizes something terrible: his trauma over Eris leaving him…has rendered him impotent.

Now you see why I made such a big deal about Eris leaving as she did. However unintentional, she hurt him to the point that he has lasting trauma. Regardless of how you feel about Rudeus, he doesn’t deserve not being able to find love.

Soldat Proves to be a Real Bro

What happens next reverses my opinion about another person completely: Soldat. Even though he acted arrogant and kept insulting Rudeus. But when Rudeus tries to drown his sorrow in beer, and Sol does that again, Rudeus just let’s all that anger burst out until he starts crying. It’s here that Soldat proves that he’s a real bro.

Soldat lets Rudy vent about all of his problems and the trauma he got from Eris. He’s watching the guy bawl his eyes out and asking why Eris left him! Then, like a real bro, he tries to give him a pick-me-up. Granted, taking him to a brothel to get “professional help” isn’t a good idea, but it’s the thought that counts. 

None of it works, though. As the woman who tried helping notes, what happened with Eris has left him scared of women. He needs help from a girl he KNOWS won’t laugh or run out on him. That’s part of the reason why I never liked Sara. She’s too much like Eris, too quick to judge people. Case in point, when Rudy gets drunk and starts bad-mouthing her, Sara overhears it and slugs him! So much for Counter Arrow.

Moving on to the Next Arc

So, this episode marks the end of the events of Volume 7 of the light novel. While it’s happening sooner than I thought, I’m not going to complain about the anime rushing things. I never liked this part of the story, and I didn’t like Sara. In fact, I question why the promo material for this season put so much emphasis on her. She barely has any role to play in the story. 

The good news is that next week, the anime’s getting into a portion that I’m looking forward to. In the episode’s stinger, we see the elven friend of Rudeus’, father, Elinalise, looking for him. Without giving too much away, Rudeus is about to do something he’s kept on the backburner for a long time now.

I Give “Abrupt Approach” a 4/5

Rudeus is Livin’ His Best Life!

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Ep 2 Review

It’s not every day when you’re fourteen years old and living on your own like Rudeus Greyrat is. Then again, Rudeus is technically close to fifty, and his life’s anything but ordinary, even by the standards of his new world. He’s already lost his home, his Mom’s missing, and his girlfriend left him, breaking his heart. Many people would give up after what he’s gone through, but Rudeus knows better than most what that can lead to. Thus, painful or not, he’s trying to get his life back together, one day at a time. Even if that means going out and dealing with obnoxious people who rail on him without knowing what he’s going through.

Rudeus is Trying to Live His Best Single Life

Now that he’s decided to try and move on from Eris, Rudeus has spent the last few months living his best life. He’s working out every day (and getting ripped), and doing everything job he can get to grow his rep so his Mom might hear about it. However, he’s still going through his lone-wolf phase, and it shows. He’s even taken to naming his muscles and talking to them! 

It’s not like he’s fully alone, though. Ever since he met them, he’s been working with Counter Arrow on a part-time basis a la Batman and the Justice League. Sara still gives him a hard time, but he’s growing on her. Case in point, she invites him to join them on a job hunting monsters in some nearby ruins.

There’s one problem. This other party ends up taking a similar job and the two run into each other mid-mission. They don’t come to blows, but when everyone gets back, the leader of the other party shows up drunk and starts railing on Rudeus. He keeps saying how he hates arrogant guys like him who act humble but hide how strong they are and think Rudeus’ is making light of their jobs as Adventurers.

Those who know what Rudeus has been through know how uncalled for this is. He’s only doing this to find his Mom, and that requires working with more people. Despite this, Rudeus is still clearly hurt by what gets said to him, something even Sara picks up on. Thankfully, Rudeus knows the importance of staying humble so he doesn’t become lazy like in his last life. 

He does get a good chance to flex later, though.

Becoming Sara’s Knight in Shining Armor.

Sometime later, during a blizzard, Rudeus sees Counter Arrow coming back from a job in low spirits. While they were out fighting, monsters ambushed them, killing of their members, Mimir. In addition, Sara’s missing, presumed dead. While the others plan to head out and find her once the storm lets up, Rudeus has no such compunctions. He leaves without another word, and, using his magic, proceeds to clear the storm all by himself.

What follows is essenitally a glimpse at how strong Rudeus’ gotten since his fight with Orsted. He’s killing monsters before they even have the chance to fight back, and all while questioning why he’s even doing this. Sara was pretty harsh with him and it’s not like he’s that close with her. Still, the fact that he rescues her from getting eaten by a plant monster, and then nurses her back to health before giving her his jacket to stay warm, speaks volume to how kind he is. Even at his lowest, Rudeus can’t help but emphasize with others; he’s become a good person. 

His selfless actions end up being worth it, too. When he gets back and Suazanne berates him for doing something so dumb, Sara steps in and defends him. A tsundere she may be, but he’s wearing her down without even trying. 

One Step at a Time

So, this episode of Mushoku Tensei might not be as exciting or as memorable as some people might like. However, that’s not the kind of story that Mushoku Tensei is. It’s a slow-burn. It trades a lot of little moments doing things like world-building and character development in exchange for isekai action. Once it does get to the real action and drama, though, it pays off in a big way. Not every story has to be filled to the brim with action when the little moments work just as fine. 

Bottom line, don’t give up on this anime yet. It’s only getting started, and when it’s done, it’s going to leave people in tears. That, and the opening and ending are absolute fire!

I Give “The Forest in the Dead of Night” a 3.5/5