Good Heavens, Roxy Has Got it Bad!

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation S2 Ep 21 Review

By decree of High Priest Rudeus, all Roxy stans are asked to report to their local Temple of Roxy to pay homage to her Roxyness. Their blue-haired goddess of wisdom/waifu has returned to bless the world with her teachings.

That’s just my way of saying that after more than ten years, Rudeus has reunited with his beloved Master Roxy. Having saved her from certain death in the labyrinth at the end of the last one, this episode of Mushoku Tensei focuses primarily on the reunion between Master and Student. And I know that I was pretty critical about last week’s episode and how it ended. However, seeing what happens this week, I’m glad they waited. Its all kinds of heartwarming.

I should probably mention this now: the group has a new problem. Roxy…is in love.

How I Met My Future Husbando

The episode starts with a brief look back at how Roxy has survived in the labyrinth by herself for so long. And while I’m glad that the anime did dive into it, I still think the light novels did a better job conveying how bad things were for her. However, that gets overshadowed by it jumping immediately to the reunion between master and student. And this moment is not just significant because it’s the first time Rudy has seen Roxy since childhood. He doesn’t know it, but he did something greater than he can imagine.

I didn’t mention it in my recap of Roxy’s journey throughout season one, but there’s a moment when she tells Elinalise what she’s looking for in a guy.

And guess who just checked all those boxes without even realizing it? The whole thing’s made even funnier because she doesn’t realize at first that her knight in shining armor was the boy she taught. That and Rudy puked from shock. I couldn’t stop laughing at that. Or the idea that Rudy somehow sensed her presence and charged through the walls like the Hulk to get to her.

The rest of the episode does show the party, Roxy now included, as they continue their efforts to reach the bottom of the labyrinth. However, beyond the smug grin Paul gets when Rudeus praises him (dads like to look cool in front of their kids), the main focus is on Roxy and Rudeus. It should be pretty obvious that Roxy has fallen head over heels for Rudeus. The side glances she gives him. Her acting more awkward than usual. The silent fist pumps when she asks him to go on a date in another labyrinth when this is over. Everyone can see that Roxy has got it bad for her former student.

The sad irony: Rudeus is oblivious to this.

I’ve noticed this has been a problem with every relationship Rudy has had with a girl up until now. Events from his first life left him with such low self-esteem, he’s unable to tell when someone’s actually into him. Thats part of why things went so bad when Eris left despite (in her eyes) making it clear she loves him. Now that I think about it, every girl he’s tried to date has had to make the first move! He thinks so badly about himself that he can’t understand when the women are into him!

Thankfully, Paul manages to give Rudeus some pretty good advice.

While the setting for the moment changes from the way they use the bathroom, I still liked Paul’s speech to Rudeus about his two swords. It’s pretty obvious to viewers that it’s a clever metaphor for his two wives. He may have only planned to marry Zenith, but that doesn’t change the fact that Lilia is just as important to him and needs them both by his side to be the best he can be.

Or, in simpler terms, Paul knows Roxy’s into his son, and he’s giving Rudy his blessing.

This might be one of my favorite episodes of the entire season, and for good reason. Roxy has been largely absent from the series until now, but that may no longer be true. However, if this feels like the calm before the storm, that’s because it is. The red, ominous-looking teleportation circle that the party finds within the sixth level of the labyrinth has all the hallmarks of a point-of-no-return. And since the anime opening already spoiled things, yes. They’re going to have to fight a Hydra. So, prepare for that!

I Give “Magic Circles of the Sixth Stratum” a 4.5/5

So, What Was Roxy Up to In the Meantime?

While I was getting ready to watch the new season of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation, something occurred to me. While my recap of the first season managed to cover much of what happened, there was one aspect I had to omit for length reasons. That aspect is what happened to Rudeus’ teacher, Roxy Migurdia.

Roxy is a significant character in the Mushoku Tensei series, and it’s not just because she’s Rudeus’ teacher. Nor is it because he worships her as a goddess by unironically praying to that pair of panties he took from her. Several episodes in the first season shift their focus from Rudeus’ odyssey home to Roxy’s journey as she tries to find his family. In the process, we’re introduced to various side characters that will play a role in the story as a whole, and also learn more about Roxy’s backstory. Since the anime decided to show what Sylphie was up to during Dead End’s trek back home, I’m doing the same for Roxy. Given how much the second season will likely cover, she will become important in the second half.

Making the Mistake of Teach Pax Shirone

It’s already been stated, but after she finished training Rudeus, she left to continue her travels. She thought she reached her limits when it came to magic, but seeing how much Rudeus admired her despite seemingly surpassing him lit a fire in her. She wanted to become someone worthy of calling themselves Rudeus’ teacher. So, she started training.

Eventually, Roxy got a job as the court mage for the Kingdom of Shirone, where she ended up tutoring Prince Pax. However, while Pax was a good student, he wasn’t in the same league as Rudeus, and she wouldn’t stop comparing the two. That made Pax extremely bitter and resentful towards Rudeus.

Her being an Adult doesn’t make this right!

Not helping matters was that, like Rudeus, Pax kept simping for Roxy. Whereas Rudeus’ feelings were tempered by his genuine admiration for her, Pax openly lusted after Roxy. He kept trying to get handsy with her, and she kept setting him on fire for it. Eventually, it got to the point she couldn’t take it anymore and bailed. That decision ended up causing problems for Rudeus on his journey home.

Looking for Rudeus

Eventually, though, Roxy returned to the Fittoa region of the Asura Kingdom. A few years had passed, and she wanted to see how her student was doing. Instead of the reunion she thought she’d be getting, she found something worse. The entire region was in ruins, its population scattered, and too many people were missing or dead. And Roxy is like, “Oh my God, Rudy! That adorable little kid could be lying dead in a ditch somewhere! And his parents and Lilia! I gotta find them!” Fortunately, Roxy had some help in that regard. Rudeus’ dad, Paul, wound up being one of the first people to make it back, and he’d been leading the efforts to find as many people and get them home, including his family. And he got help from his old band.

In his younger days, Paul and his future wife Zenith were part of this adventurer’s party called Fangs of the Black Wolf. Ghislaine and Geese were also part of it, alongside a dwarf named Tallhand and an elf named Elinalise. They split up after Paul and Zenith settled down, and despite having issues with him, most of them reunited to help Paul find his family. With that in mind, Roxy chose to help them. She liked Rudeus’ family because of how nice they were when she was living with them, and she didn’t want to see her best student die. 

So Close, Yet So Far!

With Elinalise and Tallhand accompanying her, one of the first things that the trio did was set out for the Demon Continent, where Roxy first came from. Despite not wanting to go back (they didn’t have any sweets), Roxy did it for the Greyrat’s sake. 

As fate would have it, the group arrived in port at the exact same time that Rudeus and the party of Dead End made it there. Now, this is the perfect time for Rudeus and Roxy to reunite. And by doing so, it would make Rudeus and Eris’ attempts to get home that much easier. But no, it wasn’t to be. Through a series of events, Rudeus and Roxy miss each other several times. Roxy even stumbles across Eris and Ruijerd training on the beach while Rudeus is out on errands. However, as soon as she realizes that Ruijerd is a Superd, her fear of them kicks in, and she runs all the way back to where she and Elinalise are staying. What she finds is just as traumatizing, though. 

A side note about Elinalise since she’s going to gain more prominence in Season Two. The thing about this elf woman is that she sleeps with a lot of guys, and while she does enjoy it, it’s not entirely of her own volition. Elinalise has this curse on her that make her mana levels rise to potentially fatal levels if left untreated. The only known solution is for her body to create these mana crystals, and the only way that can happen is by acquiring a man’s…reproductive DNA. In other words, she needs to sleep with guys, or she’ll die. And when Roxy comes back, she shows up right as she’s busy with a few guys. Roxy freaks the heck out and destroys their room. It’s like something out of a rom-com/doujinshi. 

After that happens, Roxy, Elinalise, and Tallhand leave town and head further into the interior to keep looking for the Greyrat’s. It’s not until much later that they realize they missed Rudeus by that much and how it would’ve saved both groups a lot of time and energy. 

Roxy Comes Face to Face With Her Past

As time passes and Roxy continues searching the Demon Continent for Paul’s family, she doesn’t find them. However, she does end up meeting several people from her past, and viewers get to know a little more about who she was before she met Rudeus. There’s also a spin-off manga that delves more into it, but this will cover the basics.

Roxy’s people, the Migurds, have more going for them than long lives and spending most of them looking like loli’s. They also have this ability to communicate with each other telepathically, so when it’s just them, they normally don’t talk. Unfortunately for her, Roxy was born without this ability, and while they were all very nice regardless, she felt like an outcast among her own people. So once she became a teenager, she ran away from home the first chance she got and became an adventurer. However, the first adventuring party she joined wound up disbanding after their leader died while doing a job. Eventually, she left the Demon Continent altogether.

Since this was the first time she’d been back in twenty years, Roxy was due for a reunion or two. She wound up reuniting with the only other member of her party that was still alive (who happened to have also met Rudeus) and caught up over drinks. After that, she eventually decided to return home for the first time in years and reconciled with her parents. Despite being born different from the rest of them, her Mom and Dad showed how much they loved her by going out of their way to help her learn how to read, write, and talk. They were good parents, and were just happy that their daughter was doing fine.

Roxy Be Like “Are You Kidding Me?!?”

Oh, and her Mom and Dad also dropped some big bombshells on her: first, they mentioned how their village regularly got visits from a Superd name Ruijerd. Secondly, they mentioned how two years earlier, he came into town with two human kids in tow, one a redhead and the other some boy saying that he was Roxy’s student. And Roxy is floored by this as she starts putting the pieces together. She realized, “Oh my gosh, that guy and the little girl I saw sparring on the beach must be the people Mom and Dad are talking about. And if they were at the port that day, then must mean that…”

And with that, Roxy realizes that if she hadn’t freaked out and run away like she did, then she would’ve run into Rudeus on that day. She and her group could’ve gotten them all back to the Central Continent way sooner. And, as a side note, that would’ve meant that Rudeus wouldn’t have had to deal with a laundry list of issues during his trip, like getting thrown in jail by the beast people, or that fight with his Dad, or getting captured by Pax Shirone. Granted, it all worked out for the best in the end, but it would’ve saved everyone a lot of trouble. And Roxy reacts like any calm, rational adult would in that sort of situation: by passing the heck out on the floor!

It’s still hilarious in hindsight.

On to the Next Adventure

Now that she knows that her student’s safe and is probably close to getting back by now, Roxy and her friends depart from her village after reconciling with her parents. From there, they keep scouring the Demon Continent looking for the rest of Paul’s family, until they come across a bar where this little demon girl dressed in stripper attire (I’m not joking,) is drinking everyone under the table. And Roxy and Tallhand wind up getting into a drinking contest. 

Well, Tallhand does; Roxy taps out way earlier. And despite being known for drinking everyone he meets under the table, Tallhand loses to this girl. Too bad she can’t afford to pay the bill. If Roxy hadn’t covered for her, she’d have gotten sold off to pay for everything.

As luck would have it, that girl wasn’t an ordinary girl, either. She was actually the immortal Demon Empress Kishirika Kishirisu. She could die, but she would eventually come back, with her last death being recent (to her), hence her small size. She also happened to have met Rudeus in that same town Roxy was in two years ago. Since she now owed Roxy a favor, she used one of her demon eyes to locate where the Greyrat family was for her. The good news was that most of them were safe. Paul and Norn had reunited with Aisha and Lilia. Rudeus was back in the Central Continent, albeit super depressed. He thought his girlfriend dumped him, after all. As for Zenith, Kishirika discovered that she was located in the city of Rapan on the Begaritt Continent, south of the Central Continent. So that’s where Roxy and her party head next.

All Caught Up Now

At the time of this writing, that’s where things stand in the anime regarding Roxy. While her importance to the main story remained minimal in the anime’s first season, she’s going to regain prominence as the show progresses. As Rudeus’ mentor/savior, the importance of Roxy in Mushoku Tensei cannot be underestimated. Sadly, at the pace that the anime adapts the light novels, it will likely not be until the second half of the season where we get to see the blue-haired mage once more. Until then, though, there’s always the figurine being sold by Crunchyroll.